Sifu Matthew: Injury Whisperer and the Martial Arts of Wellness

Andy met Sifu Matthew in Maui and personally witnessed at least three people being healed. He heals people and helps them heal themselves using principles of science. Sifu has worked with well-known athletes, as can be seen in the video testimonials on his website, and helped them find restorative healing and optimal health. 

“I’m not performing miracles. I’m using science.” ~ Sifu Matthew

About Sifu Matthew:

Sifu is a Kung Fu Master, world-renowned healer, athletic performance expert, and founder of The Martial Arts of Wellness. He is a master of understanding the electromagnetic forces of the body in relation to strength, wellness, and performance. He is known for his ability to regenerate body tissues, ligaments, and bones rapidly to activate the healing process. He is called “The Injury Whisperer.”  

Sifu currently runs wellness clinics in Los Angeles and provides specialized team programs and individual athlete mentorships worldwide. He lectures and educates athletes, doctors, and executives on understanding the human potential for rapid healing. He runs advanced corporate wellness platforms as well as intensive Executive Warrior Training Camps across the country.

Show Highlights:

  • There are fundamental laws and principles that heal our bodies, but we have come to rely on outside sources to try to heal
  • The example of the stress of birth and the healing process that’s initiated in each newborn baby
  • The principles are in us and are very scientific; if we allow them, they will work for us
  • How Sifu began martial arts at age 3, growing up between Brooklyn and Boston as a very high-energy and hyperactive child
  • The awareness of healing came from these martial arts
  • Becoming aware of the electromagnetism in another’s body
  • The definition of electromagnetic field: electricity in motion that every “body” has
  • The science of the earth, particles, energy, and electromagnetism
  • A look at the body as a microcosm of the universe
  • Why the ocean has a calming and healing effect
  • How we give off minerals when we communicate with each other
  • Why some people have a greater capacity to “hold a field” and project magnetism
  • How Sifu affects magnetic fields to facilitate healing
  • “We always feel things, but we don’t always pay attention to it.”
  • Why it doesn’t take much bacteria to turn a person’s system inside out
  • In healing, go back to basics, which is that the body wants to heal itself, but can’t, because the healing code has been overridden by a bad code
  • Sifu’s host of injuries from martial arts and sports and how he healed himself
  • The example of a young man’s quick healing and how nerves can regrow
  • How Sifu heals from a distance
  • Sifu’s services: working with professional athletes and CEO’s and various programs for everyday people—all geared toward helping people heal themselves and finding their optimal health.

Links mentioned in the show:

Email Sifu:

Find Sifu on Facebook: Martial Arts of Wellness

Enjoy some of Sifu’s amazing work:

Austin’s Healing:

Meet The Injury Whisperer:

Hear how Sifu Matthew has helped so many!

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