Ashley Keegan: Moving to Maui and Helping Others Through Bodywork Healing

Ashley Keegan is an extraordinarily intuitive healer. From a young age, she started learning how to view the human body and use natural elements to help others release trauma. She has a lot to say when it comes to fear, our inner physiology and learning to appreciate that less is more.

Ashley also looks closely at what’s around her. After seeing signs in her life that they were destined for the special place Ashley calls “Mother Maui”, she moved out to Maui with her family when her children were babies– a place which has now captivated her and allowed her to grow her practice.

From our cellular memories to listening to the Hawaiian jungle, this episode is full of heart, depth, and– of course– healing.

About Ashley:

Ashley grew up in the mountains of North Carolina and began her training at 13 years old with a Cherokee medicine man named Chief Two Trees. Her father is an environmentalist and is passionate about alternative healing. She currently lives on the island of Maui in Hawaii and co-owns a therapeutic business with her husband, John, called Hana Healing Arts.

Show Highlights:

  • How Ashley began training with Chief Two Trees, a Cherokee medicine man
  • Ashley explains what the day-to- day job of a medicine man looks like
  • An overview of what craniosacral therapy is and how it helps patients
  • How trauma impacts our physical body at a cellular level
  • The one fear reflex we all have as humans, and where it originates from
  • How to empower ourselves to let go of fears through bodywork
  • Ashley explains what fascia is and its importance in our body
  • Why less can be more when it comes to therapeutic massage
  • What a crystal tuning fork is and how it works
  • How Ashley found herself in Hana, a rainforest region in Maui
  • The process of getting her business started in Hawaii
  • What makes Maui the heart of the Hawaiian islands


Links Mentioned in the Show:

Hana Healing Arts

To contact her, call:808-248-4433